TRADEMARK and patent registration
A trademark without a registration is a trademark without an owner!
At Buddy Bear, we understand that your brand is more than a name; it's a legacy that you build with passion and dedication. With our expertise in creating original brands since 2013, we offer a comprehensive program to protect the heart of your company. Let us guide you through the exciting trademark registration process, providing agile, creative and financially viable solutions.
Dominate Your Space: Exclusive Rights with Trademark Registration
By registering your trademark, you gain exclusive rights that prohibit third parties from using identical or similar signs on related products or services without your consent. A trademark is not just a title; it is a powerful safeguard for your identity and a decisive step towards dominating your space in the competitive market.
The Power of Ownership: Your Brand, Your Land
Just like the ownership of land, a trademark is valuable property. If you don't register it, you're not the sole owner, and this can lead to unwanted complications. Someone could register your trademark before you do, leaving you in a vulnerable position. Registration ensures that you are the rightful owner, giving you security and control over your trademark.
Customer Connection: Your Brand is Your Greatest Asset
Your brand is much more than a symbol. It is the main link to your customers. It reflects your history, values and vision. Protecting it is essential to keeping that connection strong and intact. Trademark registration is an investment in your identity, ensuring that you can continue to create a positive impact.
Brands that Define Lifestyles
Notice how brands become an integral part of our lives. Boys don't just want "cars", they want "Hot Wheels". With every sip, Coca-Cola becomes a lifestyle. The world is defined by brands that transcend products, becoming synonymous with entire categories. The value of a brand goes beyond the company's financial assets.
The Road to Protection: Buddy Bear by Your Side
Buddy Bear is your partner on the brand protection journey. Our approach goes beyond registration. It starts from the birth of your brand and continues with customized solutions that align with your budget. We are honored to put our team of intellectual property lawyers at your disposal, ensuring that every step is handled with excellence.
Specialized Professionals: Your Legal Shield
Our team includes lawyers experienced in intellectual property law. They ensure that all documentation is organized, filing deadlines are met and any legal challenges are dealt with competently. We prevent undue exploitation of your brand by third parties, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
The Certificate of Ownership: Your Passport to the Future
When you register your trademark, you receive a certificate of registration that is valid like a real estate deed. This certificate is your passport to the future, granting you the exclusive right to use, sell, license products and even franchise your brand. Not only do you protect your gift, but you also shape your path forward.
Your Legacy is Our Commitment: Contact Us
We're ready to help you protect and strengthen your brand. With Buddy Bear by your side, you're not just registering a trademark; you're building a legacy. Contact us today and find out how our personalized approach and focus on results can make all the difference.
Need to register your trademark?
We'll help you with that.
Industrial Patent Registration
The Industrial Patent protects inventions of products, production processes, industrial designs, improvements, among others. By issuing a Patent Letter, the creator guarantees themselves the commercialization or transfer of this benefit to third parties, for a period of 15 to 20 years. This is enough time for the holder to be able to commercially exploit their Patent Letter and earn income from it that remunerates the effort put into its creation.
For your better orientation, there are three types of patent registration:
Invention Patent (IP): Aimed at protecting innovative products with no similarity on the market;
Utility Model (MU): Applies to the discovery of a new feature. Example: the automatic stove lighter. In this case, the stove already existed, what was patented was an improvement to the product;
Industrial Design (ID): Whenever a new design is created for a product, the result can be patented.
Whatever the case, the National Institute of Industrial Property is the only body responsible for issuing patent registrations throughout the country. Through treaties with 144 other countries, it checks for similarities that could prevent the process from going ahead. If the innovation is found, it proceeds to register the patent.
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